Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sadie Jumping

Sadie is just barely learning how to jump. I'm not sure when kids are supposed to reach this milestone, but I feel like it's somewhere in between the one-year-old mark and the two-year-old mark. Good ole' Sadie is just barely trying it out. She's never really been into the large motor coordination thing. She didn't crawl until she was 12 months, and she didn't walk until she was 16 months. So, here she is, finally jumping. It's pretty cute. Here's a video:


Jenny said...

what a cutie!
sadie sounds like our jonah, he didn't crawl till 16 months, either. i remember being sooo excited when he learned to jump. it was pretty exciting. :)

Lynita said...

Seriously adorable, Ethan loves to try but doesn't get much air. I guess white boys can't jump! At least not before they turn 2!

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