Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Little Pick-Me-Up

My friend, Nyline, forwarded a little tag thing to me - I was supposed to e-mail her one word that I think best describes her. So I wrote "strong" and sent it. She's very emotionally strong. A great, great person. And then I thought I'd forward this tag to the friends in my address book, to see what they wrote about me. Here are the words I got back to describe me:


This was a nice little pick-me-up; I've obviously had a very frustrating few weeks, and in the learning curve that I'm experiencing in each of my new jobs, I have made a few mistakes and felt really dumb. It was nice to know that people out there are rooting for me and think that I'm a worthwhile gal. :) Thanks, friends. I needed that.


Nat said...

How fun! I've sent that forward out and I never get responses back. Wonder what that says about me...Hmm. But all your responses are so true!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Natalie, you really are all of those things! I've only known you for about 4 months or so and you are already an awesome friend!

Patty said...

By vocal... you know I meant expressive right? You do. You're the best.

J + A Humphreys said...

Oh, I was going to send my response back and totally forgot. Justin is out of town (again) and I throw myself into projects when he is gone and of course take care of the kids. :) Anyway, the one word I was going to send back is 'REAL'. I really appreciate that characterisic in a person. In fact, that was one of the first things I thought about you when we very first met you in La Mesa. Hope you are making some headway in the job search. You should totally come back and party with us in SD. :) Has Ben looked into the company that Adam McDavitt works for?? I think it is HP. I don't know if that is his kind of work, but I know that have lots of projects going on right now.

Amy said...

Add to that dedicated. Since I never got the email. You are one awesome woman Kar!

The Dillons said...

You are the woman! Truely you are! What a great forward. A good way to build up self-esteem during rough times! You do have good friends, that list does explain you!

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