Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Millenium

We read scriptures with the kids every night, but because they're so young, we use my parents' old Book of Mormon reader for kids, with pictures. So we were reading the Isaiah chapters of Second Nephi, and it's the part where Isaiah is talking about the Millenium, which is the thousand years of peace after the second coming of Christ. Deep stuff for kids. But at the part were Isaiah talks about how the lamb will lie down with the lion, and the small child can play with the lion, because all of the mean animals will be nice or whatever, Dylan perked right up. He thinks that's pretty cool. Actually, so do I. :) Dylan's primary teacher shared this story with me: They were talking about the Second Coming in Dylan's primary class, and he raised his hand and goes, "After Jesus comes again, mean animals will be nice, and we can play with them!!" And then a light goes on in his eyes, and he gasps and goes, "Oh my gosh! That means I can play with sharks!!!" So, when the lesson was over, the teacher had them draw pictures of something they learned about the second coming, and Dylan drew this little beauty:

The man at the top is Jesus coming down, and then that head with the green eyes is Dylan. And there is a shark next to his ear. Perhaps he's whispering sweet nothings. :) Dylan is sooo funny. I'm surprised at the stuff he picks up. Now if he would just internalize all of our many family home evenings on obedience and kindness!!


Megann said...

My first thought was that the "shark" was a gun. I watch too much Law and Order...

Nat said...

Such a smartie pants!

The Dillons said...

Thats really cute! I love that kids pick up on those kind of things. That will be cool when he can hang out with sharks :) Oh and to answer your question on my blog, I actually have a thyroid problem and I found out my senior year in like March so I started taking pills and I lost about 30 pounds...It is crazy what your thyroid will do. Thats it though, no secrets.

Patty said...

Unfortunately, Dylan won't grow gills and sharks won't grow legs. Let's keep that a secret though. There will be peace. That's all I need to know

Anonymous said...

He's so smart!! That's so awesome that he understood the lesson!:) We need to get a picture book for scripture reading! I'm sure the kids would love it a lot more and actually pay attention!

Gregg said...

I'm pretty sure sharks will still be scary! Sure, I was born in Idaho, and have never actually seen a shark in the ocean, but I'm still irrationally scared of them.

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