Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'll see ya there, buddy.

Yesterday, I was a big meanie and made Dylan do his homework, practice his spelling words, and read his AR book. All of his friends were playing outside, and he was pissed. He spent most of his time crying and yelling and throwing himself dramatically on the floor. I kept reminding him that, the more he did that crap, the longer it would take for him to do his homework. He didn't listen, as usual.

He was saying all kinds of things to make me change my mind. "If you loved me, you would let me go outside and play." Or, "I'll just practice my spelling words twice tomorrow night."

At one point, he said, "Mama, you are going to HELL!!!"

His appointment with the pediatrician is today. Give me the drugs, Doc. Now.


Unknown said...

wow... gotta love it. That and the "I HATE you!!!!"... sigh, I hope the doctor can help ya out, even if just a little bit.

Camille said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE times like that.
I had one of those yesterday too. Josh wouldn't eat his lunch before school. I told him he a choice, either eat his lunch or not eat it - but if he chose to not eat his lunch = he couldn't have an after school snack or ANY snacks until dinner time. He came home from school STARVING and crying and yelling and screaming that he was SOOOO hungry! Too bad my friend, too bad.
Then I started feeling guilty for STARVING my child.
Fun times being a mom!

Amy said...

Super special. I hope that the doctor can help. That's rough!

Carrie said...

Love the story. Nothing like a little boy swearing at his mom to make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Man. I would have flipped!! LOL Jonas tells me he hates me all the time these days, or that he'll never be my best friend again. It actually doesn't bother me that much anymore because he says it allll the time! *SIGH* Hope the drugs help!!

Nat said...

Oh man. If only little kids saw how much time they waste whining about stuff they have to do. Oh wait, I was doing that yesterday to Arin, about my laundry, instead of actually doing it...

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