Thursday, March 5, 2009

Double D

Dylan often asks me what certain spellings "make." He'll see words on signs or on cereal boxes or whatever, and he'll spell the word, and then have me tell him what the word is. And he doesn't say, for instance, "What does t-a-b-l-e spell?" He says, "What do a t and an a and a b and an l and an e make??" It's cute.

The other night, he was in the bathroom, washing his hands, and the rest of us were at the table, waiting for him so that we could pray and eat, and he apparently saw a capital B on something. He's usually really good about identifying letters, but maybe he was having a brain fart or something, because I guess he saw a capital B as two capital D's, one on top of the other.

He said, "Mama, what do a D and a D make?"

Ben yelled back to him, "A nice pair!!"

We laughed for a long time about that.


Anonymous said...

You would think that by your two posts that you have a lot of talk about B-double O-B-S in your house. Hee hee. that is really cute (.)(.)

Anonymous said...

Okay that did not work. That was supposed to be a face.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That's funny!:)

Nat said...

Such a man joke! Did Dylan get it?

Kar said...


Mindy H. said...

Thanks for providing me with a big smile and deep-belly-laugh on a day when they were both sorely needed. You and your hilarious family rock my socks!

Gifford Family said...

Just like a man :) I certainly got a much needed laugh out of that story. Thanks for sharing!

Lynita said...

I love Ben! So funny, totally something Ryan would say! There is always a lot of boob talk in our house, hell there is a lot of boobage in my shirt... go figure!

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