Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin'

Another updatey. Ben was supposed to get the official job offer from the Dome Dude "early this week." Ben didn't hear from him yesterday, so he called Dome Dude today, and Dome Dude said that they're almost done hammering out the details and will have an offer ready for him by Thursday. I still get the feeling that this is the real deal, so I'm not too worried. I'd just like to know when Ben gets to start, you know? And if he will be making enough for me to be at home with my kiddies again. You guys will be the first to know when the deal is official, and if the deal is any good. (Even if they don't offer enough, I want Ben to take it, because he would be working under a licensed architect, which would give him the hours he needs to get his own official license. You have to work a certain number of hours under a licensed architect [I can't remember the hours, but it's in the thousands] to be eligible to get your official license.)

P.S. The company's name is C Shells, for "concrete shells." But it will be hilarious if Ben gets hired. I can just see it: "So, what company does your husband work for?" "C Shells..." Which sounds like "Seashells," which sounds like a company made up of effeminate guys, who collect seashells and make little seashell-covered boxes to sell, or something... I don't know. Just a funny visual I always get when I think of the company's name.


Nat said...

Do they also like to SEW at the seashell company? And do they give their products to a girl to sell at the beach? (She sells seashells by the seashore.) I'm so funny.

Anonymous said...

Haha Nat, You are very clever! Kar, I am hoping for good news to come your way.
I too pictures little treasure boxes made with shells. :)

Mindy H. said...

I will continue to wish and hope and think and pray on your behalf becuase I am very excited by the prospect of reading many blogs about Ben's adventures working for the seashell company...oh, and becuase I want you to be able to be home with your kids and for Ben to be able to support the family doing what he loves...but mostly for the blog posts that I'm sure will be hilarious!

Gifford Family said...

Good luck to ya!

Carrie said...

I have been watching for this update. I hope the offer is even better than expected. Just keep wishin and hopin and thinkin and prayin. Love the title. It sounds like our lives too.

Beej said...

Umm...the whole seashell company thing reminds me of mermaids. I think that it is because of a joke: Why are mermaids so pretty?
Because they have C-shells. Ben might like that one.

Janiece said...

Today is Thursday...
Hope that they have an REAL answer.

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