Monday, March 9, 2009

I Hate Wednesdays.

So. Nowadays, the school districts like to have teacher inservice/teacher work days kind of worked into the normal school time. Nat's son ends up going to kindergarten for one full day once a month, and then doesn't have school at all once a month. I think it happens on Mondays. In Dylan's school, the kids have shortened days on Wednesdays. So on Wednesdays, we have to drop Dylan off at school, because he misses his bus because we're picking up Sadie at 11:30.

This has caused no end of confusion for our poor family. Last October, on a Wednesday, I picked Sadie up, and then dropped Dylan off at school. But then I forgot that he gets home an hour early on Wednesdays. I had scheduled a hair appointment for Sadie and I, and when Dylan got home that day, there was no one to greet him. I had accidentally left the front door open, and it's a good thing. Apparently, he wandered around the house, crying, and then fell asleep on the couch.

It didn't hit me that I had messed up clear until I came home at 3:15, the normal time that he gets home. I was thinking to myself, Phew! Just in time for Dylan to get home! And then I saw his backpack and coat on the floor. It still didn't hit me! I thought, Oh my gosh, did Dylan get sick, and someone just bring him home?? I saw him asleep on the couch, and I woke him up. When he woke up, he immediately started bawling. I was like, "Why did you come home early, Dylan?" He wailed, "It's early day, Mom!!!"

Oh my. I am a Loser from the Street.

I felt soooo badly about it. Before I started working again, I forgot about early day like three more times. I just can't seem to get it into my head.

So. About a week or two ago, on a Thursday, I was checking my phone for messages on my lunch break, and I had gotten a message from Dylan's school. Apparently, Ben thought Thursday was Wednesday, and he had dropped Dylan off at school. They were wondering what the heck was going on. So Dylan goes sauntering into his classroom, and there is the morning kindergarten class, and he was like, huh? I quickly called Dylan's school back, and they said he was fine - he was just hanging with the morning kindergarten class!

Did we have weird, skewompus schedules like this growing up? I don't remember that we did. And I know we didn't have these schedules when I was a teacher.

And Ben has been such a better stay-at-home-mom than I ever was - the house is sparkling, the meals are cooked on time... It's made me feel so badly about the job I did when I was at home. So this incident made me feel a teeny bit better, somehow. :)


Unknown said...

wow, yours definately sounds kinda confusing. Ours is always on a monday and only once a month usually. The Kindergarten classes take turns on which one goes that day and actually get to stay for lunch (nice practice for when they get the first grade. Today is Gobbers. So he goes the school at 8:35 (normal morning time anyways) and gets home late at 1:40. Kindof a nice thing for me when I have to run errands and such :) It IS hard to keep track of sometimes though!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates and forgets about early days!! I've done it once and it was when Jonas first started riding the bus in Oct. 2008. I had to go pick him up from the school because the bus driver just dropped him off at his class with his teacher. I felt soooo stupid and like I was a horrible mother!!

Nat said...

I don't THINK we had crazy days like that, but I could be wrong. Today was Jakob's day off. We went bowling; it was awesome!

Nat said...

Oh, but our school sends home little reminder slips every time, otherwise I think I'd forget which day and which schedule. Next year won't be as hard, though, because they'll all just go at the same time, but will just get home early.

Amy said...

I'm sure we didn't have crazy schedules like that as a kid. Last year the elem. school had every first Tueday of the month as early out. At our new school they have early out every Friday. Which is a little easy to remember. But, right before Christmas I did take Erin to school 45 minutes late forgetting it was early day- she is in PM kindergarten so they start earlier on Fridays. I felt soooo dumb!

Barnard Family said...

we have 1/2 day wednesday too and I hate it! It is such a pain!

Lynita said...

Wow I got confused just reading about the early days! I think that is sad that poor Dylan cried himself to sleep, but there are worse things than that in life. All I can say is thank heaven for all day kindergarten! We do however have to pick the kids up 30 min. early every Wednesday, and yes I have forgotten twice! I think that is awesome that Ben is being a good stay at home mom, I still don't know how he is keeping it all together, but hey more power to him!

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