Sunday, September 13, 2009

Laundry Carnage

There was some mystery liquid in the bottom of our diaper bag, so I decided it needed a washing. I carefully checked all the pockets of the bag before I put it in the wash. When it and the dark clothes I washed it with were done, I tossed them in the dryer. This was the result:

Apparently I missed a pen when I checked the pockets. It got all over the dryer drum and all over the entire batch of darks that I washed. A closer look at the drum:

The incident took place like two weeks ago, and I took these pictures today. These aren't fresh marks, my friends. It is stained forever. I tried everything to get the pen out of that drum, but it is there indelibly.

And the damage done to the clothes:

And the placemats:

And the towels:

I haven't seen such laundry carnage since the unfortunate Wallet-Washing of '01. :)


Patty said...

Every time Ken gets something new a pen ends up in the laundry. He thinks I am doing it on purpose.

Nat said...

Dude, that's happened to me, but it wasn't pen, it was a washable crayon. It got EVERYWHERE. Oh, and I have some mysterious dried-on goop in my dryer. I have no idea what it is, and it won't come off. It too is purple. Good times.

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