Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Baskets Make Great Hats!


Nat said...

They're so creative!

Lynita said...

That is awesome! Dylan looks so funny in the picture with the Clifford basket on his head. Your kids are adorable.

Jenny said...

great pictures. love that you're in them!

note to self - boil more eggs next year. :) we did 12. total. the kids don't know what they're missing, but i felt bad once we got started. 12 just sounded like a lot of eggs, but split 3 or 4 ways it really isn't. :)

Beej said...

I remember doing the exact same thing! It's funny how kids pick up on similar ideas for alternative uses of things. They are so cute and getting so dang big! I just can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that Dylan was just a newborn. It's crazy!!

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