Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Whose Kids ARE These??

I really, really hate celery. I can stand it if it's chopped and sauteed in butter, and stuffed in a casserole or something, but otherwise, no way, dude. I was chopping some the other night, and Dylan asked for a stick of celery to snack on. I gave him one, smirking, because I thought he would hate it. He totally loved it!! I told him that I heard somewhere that peanut butter is really good on celery sticks, and he asked if he could have some. He ate the whole thing! Crazy.

Of course, Sadie wanted one, too, and she also liked it! Who knew?? She's wearing undies in this shot - we've moved from naked from the waist down to underwear from the waist down. She's doing well with the peeing aspect of potty training. The pooping is a whole other, awful story. I'll have to dedicate a post to that one.


anjie said...

Yumm! Ya know, my daughter loves pickles! I hate them.
I talked to my husband. He said he was reading my blog and noticed that I said he never read it. Then he noticed you said your husband never read yours. So he thought he was funny to post on yours. I couldn't figure out how he found your blog. Now I know!

Jenny said...

when i took jonah to lunch last week, he got a peice of celery on his plate. he took one bite and said that he liked it, but didn't have another bite. i'm still not sure if he really liked it or not. :)

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! My daughter is in the exact same spot potty training wise.... sypathy from one knowing mom to another! Happy Poops To You Too! blech!

Nicole said...

wow, i'm way behind catching up on blogs. Way to love celery Dylan! My kids like it with cheese.

And where in the world is the Museum of Idaho? Aren't I from there? Apparently it's been a while....

Lynita said...

That is so funny, because Kaitlyn loves celery and so do I. But Ethan is just like his dad and won't eat veggies unless they are cooked or smothered with something!

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