Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Such a Cliche

I inherited my treadmill from my stepmother-in-law this last summer, and Ben said, "You won't use it. You'll use it to hang clothes from. That's what happens to everyone who buys a treadmill." I swore up and down that wasn't true. After my miscarriage (which happened soon after I inherited said treadmill), when the doc said it was okay, I started jogging on it. I actually jogged every single day for two months! But then I got pregnant again, and voila. Our treadmill is now our clothesline. Some say, "Well, just walk on it - it's easy to take a brisk walk when you're pregnant!" I would ordinarily agree. Except, would you take daily brisk walks if you had any of the following problems?:

1. You have shooting pain going from your hip, down your leg, and then from your hip across your groin. It's so painful that you can't lean over to pick up anything, and if you cough, the shooting pain makes you cry.
2. You barf, on average, twice a day.
3. You feel nauseated all day long. Even though you're six months along.
4. You feel like your legs are being ripped apart, like a turkey that one is stuffing in preparation for Thanksgiving. You can't roll over in bed or get up from a sitting or lying position without tears coming to your eyes.
5. You have heartburn that feels like someone is stabbing you in the chest. All the time.
6. You feel like you haven't slept in 10 years.
7. You have a constant headache. For six months straight.

So, I think it's okay for my treadmill to be on sabbatical for now. Don't you? :) I'll use her again, I promise. Six weeks after that glorious day when Micah is no longer in my body!


Jenny said...

i think you totally deserve a break from the treadmill! :)

Nat said...

Pete used our treadmill for about three weeks, and that's it. I feel the same way, though-AFTER I have this baby I'll start using it, I think.

deannah said...

Oh my gosh. I think it's amazing you do anything with all of that to deal with on a daily basis. You're amazing!

anjie said...

Hi Karlenn, It's Anjie from long ago. I found your blog through Jenny's. Congrats on the upcoming baby! It's fun to see pictures of your cute family.
I just read about all this pain in your pregnancy and it sounds familiar to me. It sounds a lot like my third pregnancy. (I'm expecting #5!) Anyway I just found out this week what all that pain was about. Search the internet under SPD or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Your symptoms sound very familiar. Hope that helps! I remember the pain!
Best wishes!!!!!!

Beej said...

You are a hottie, prego or not. You don't need the treadmill. And by the way, if you ever decide that you don't want it at all...you can totally send it my way...

I'm sorry that you don't feel well. I sure hope that you make it through this pregnancy with the minimal amount of misery. Don't worry about exercising. Just take care of you. I love you and I miss you.

p.s. get rid of your word verification

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