Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Labor

Sorry, dude. I'm trying to keep on top of things, but as you can tell from my recent lack of blogging, I'm not doing very well. Newborn Time is always a hard time for me. Even with Dylan. I just can't get my act together. Heck, I still felt, a couple of weeks ago, that I still haven't gotten my act together from having had Sadie. I'm just trying to take things minute by minute, because I tend to get overwhelmed.

And Micah is... kind of a butthead. I love him, but he's a bit difficult. But so were Sadie and Dylan as newborns. You know that whole thing where newborns "sleep all day"? Not my kids. And Micah is following suit. He sleeps when he should be eating, and then he screams when he should be sleeping. If he's awake, he's pissed. He's never awake and calm. It's been tough. Sometimes I have to let him scream it out in his bassinet while I make lunch for the kids, bathe them, make dinner, etc. I just cannot hold him every second, like he wants. I'm tentatively putting him on a Baby Wise schedule. I put Sadie on Baby Wise when she was six weeks old, and it seriously changed her into a new baby. A much happier, sweeter baby. I just need to remember that it does work, and that I need to stick it out. For those of you who haven't read Baby Wise, it's a book about putting your baby on a schedule. It did wonders for Sadie. So we're trying to get him on a schedule, but so far, he hasn't been cooperating very well, and I'm too tenderhearted when he cries to let him cry for very long. And he is so young. So we'll see. I'm just grateful when I can get any kind of sleep. I'm averaging three hours per night, with no naps in the day. Sigh... Thanks for letting me vent. I'll be okay in a few weeks, I'll bet.

I thought I'd put a few more pictures from Micah's birth up - these are all pictures of the labor part.

Ben likes to take a nice picture of me, out in nature, with each pregnancy - I like to put that picture in each of the kids' baby books. But since Micah came very unexpectedly, we never got the chance. So, in between a set of contractions, I had Ben take my picture. He had me pose in front of our tree in the backyard:

My dad thought it was so strange, how upbeat and peppy I was when I answered the door when he came over to watch the kids. But then he saw me go through a contraction. When we were waiting for him to come over, between contractions, I was doing laundry, cleaning up my dining room, etc. This is me, between contractions, with my pee cup :) -

Waiting for the nurse:

My mom has never seen any of my kids born, so she came along this time:

During a contraction:

After my epidural. Ahhhh:

They always have me breathe through the oxygen mask:

Literally trying to hold the baby in while waiting for our doctor to show up:

Alright. I'm going to lie down with a heating pad on my tummy. I have a sweet neighbor who is watching my eldest two, and Micah is asleep for a blessed moment. My cramping is still pretty painful, but my mastitis seems to have cleared up. And I'm still suffering with my bladder infection. But hopefully things will improve. And hopefully I'll be able to blog sooner than later.


Nat said...

Kar, hang in there and things will for sure get better! If I can feel up for it, I'll make you dinner or something like you did for me.

Autumn said...

You are supermom! Only running on 3 hours of sleep, that's insane! You look amazing in the pictures, I wish I looked that good when I was delivering!

Layton Mom said...

You poor thing. Having my third made things a lot more difficult for me and Stacy spent a lot of time in her bed crying while I got other things done around the house. She has mellowed out a lot and now doesn't mind being alone. I know I live a short distance from you but if you need anything let me know. Not up for t-ball, I can come get Dylan. Thanks for keeping an eye on my kiddos the other day. You are awesome.

Gifford Family said...

I'm sorry! I know it isn't easy. Just take all the help you can get and sleep whenever you can. Good luck, I hope things get better.

anjie said...

You look great in your labor pictures! Wow. The newborn stage can be so hard, but it is so precious and quick. My Reagan was colic. Lots of crying is HARD! Hang in there. I told myself that it's never killed anyone. I know that sounds crazy, but I had to remind myself that all that crying wouldn't hurt him. But is is hard on my heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, I am so sorry. I wish I was there to help you. You are superwoman running on 3 hours of sleep with a newborn. Hopefully you will be able to get the infection under control and you can start to feel human again.
Try (easier said than done) to take it easy.

Amy said...

Ohhhh Kar! Hang in there! Three just about did me in. And I had mastitis with #2 and a mondo bladder infection with #1. I can feel your pain and can only imagine it all rolled into one with a fussy newborn. Nat told us about the baby blessing. I really wish we could be there- but we'll be out of town on vacation. So know that we'll be thinking of you guys. We are hoping to make a trip up later in the summer. Oh- and one more thing- www.amazingmoms.com is a fabulous resource for kid parties. It has games, treats, and activities to do all based on themes. I've found it very helpful when planning my kids' parties. Good luck with everything- and remember that it will get better!!

lexykay said...

i am so excited to meet my new neice and nephew

Lynita said...

Dang girl you had a rough time of it, I am so sorry. At least you do have family, my ward-family is all I have here. But last night a girl from a neighboring ward offered to be my Doula for free, I am stoked to have the extra help and may even go natural this time... we will see!

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