Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Nazi Humane Society Lady

My camera is jacked up. Sorry the above picture is so messed up. My little baby kittens are three weeks old. I think they are twice as big as they were when they were born.

Last week, Lex and I tied ribbons around their necks to better identify them. Obviously, Cheese doesn't need any identification:

Even if she wasn't the only yellow one, I would know her from her really loud whining. :)

This is Runt - we put a green ribbon on her. She is still one of my faves, because she is so little and pretty chill:

We put a white ribbon on the one Nat and Pete want, with a white patch on its throat. The Humane Society lady came by today and confirmed that White Patch is actually a boy. (If you change your minds, Nat and Pete, let me know.) White Ribbon is also really fiesty. He can't settle on a teat, so he goes around scratching all the other kittens and forcing them off their teats. Cheese can hold her own, but White Ribbon usually bullies his way into the teat he wants. He is also the most playful. He loves to roll on his back and bat at my fingers. Soooo cute. He is also pretty small.

Orange Ribbon is also one of my faves, because she is really friendly. When I go to visit them in their little closet, she comes right up to me. She's also very fluffy. And very chill. I call her "she," but it's hard to tell under all that fur.

Striped Ribbon loves to eat right by her mommy's face. She is a momma's girl. She's also pretty small. And Striped Ribbon is the first that Xena tries to move anywhere. She probably tried to move her kittens about 20 times today. I would be in the kids' room, putting something away, and I'd hear a small mewing. She hid some under the kids' dresser a couple of times, under Sadie's bed a couple of times... I found two in my bed at one point... Xena is nuts. And she is bad at carrying the kittens. She carries them by one ear, which I can't imagine feeling very good.

Anyways, Pink Ribbon is also a favorite of mine. She sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. The rest of them will be whining for their mom, and she sleeps right through it. She is very chill. She is also a fluff bucket.

The Humane Society lady....hmm.... She is interesting. I told her we had a couple of people whoh want some kittens, and she, in effect, forbade me from giving them away. She told me that we have to have them adopted through the Humane Society. She said, "Once you sign them over to the Humane Society, you have to have your friends do it through us, after we have spayed them." I said, "Um, I haven't signed anything. You gave us kitten food. Does that mean that you are in charge of them?" She said she won't adopt out the others unless we make our friends pay the $70 fee to the Humane Society and adopt through them. I told her Nat and Pete want their vet to spay White Ribbon, and she was like, "Nope." Um, kind of a bully. The thing is, Orange Ribbon has an eye infection, and she will give us free antibiotics for her. But I have a feeling that, if she does that, and we don't do what she says about the adoption thing, she will make us back pay for the antibiotics and the kitten food. And maybe won't adopt out the others. And maybe won't follow through on her promise to fix Xena once and for all. I mean, we could get really nasty and, like, get in her face with the paperwork and stuff, saying, "Um, we paid $70 for a spayed cat, and we will get a spayed cat," but I just don't know if it's worth having this huge fight. Why do people have to make things so complicated? Shouldn't she be thanking her lucky stars that we have people who will take these kittens off her hands? I guess it's her personal mission to guarantee the spaying of all possible cats in the world???

Sorry, Nat, Pete, and Mark. I guess you have to pay the $70 to get White Ribbon (and whoever Mark chooses) fixed through the Humane Society. And they won't let you bring them home until one week after their fixing, when they're 13 weeks old. Blah. I understand if you change your minds.

Why do people have to be such Nazis??


Emily Empey said...

hahaha you crack me up!

Lynita said...

You just need to tell that lady that those kittens mysteriously disappeared! She is crazy and can't threaten those things, have you tried calling and talking with the supervisor? If they are the "Humane Society" why are they treating you so inhumanely?! Sorry I just don't like rude people especially when they are rude to my Kar!

Patty said...

Sounds like a scam. She sounds like an ameatuer scam artist. $70! Instead of free. Yeah. I'd say Xena took them outside and Lord only knows what happened to those poor kittens. Might work!

Megann said...

I learned at Diabetes Camp that if you throw out the "A word" to someone, they'll usually comply...and no the "A word" is not what you're thinking. "A" stands for attorney.

Mindy H. said...

Is the Humane Society suffering from some sort of kitten-shortage? That would be the only reason I could think of for N.H.S. L.'s obnioxious behavior.

On a happier note, the kittens are very, very cute. Thanks for sharing the photos and the short-kitten-tales ;)

Nat said...

Yeah, we're not sure which one we want for sure...I hope that doesn't mess you up. We were thinking we would just play with them when they get a little older, and see which one we like the best, or whatever.

And I would work with a different person. You can be like, look, you need to spay Xena, but the kittens are ours.

Anonymous said...

I agree, that lady is SO Wierd! Like when I returned Lilac she hadn't cashed the check I had given her 2 weeks before so I figured she'd just give it back to me right? Wrong, she cashed it the next week and then sent me a check in the mail! I thought that was wierd.

I really want to call her and ask how Lilac is doing and see if she's been adopted out yet, but she is just so wierd to talk to. I think maybe we'll go buy Petco tomorrow and check out the dogs and see if she's there.

Good luck with the kittens and everything! That totally sounds like a scam to me! They just want to get money for selling the kittens:P

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