Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello, Norma Jean.

Mikey and I went to lunch with Patty last week. One of the favorite haunts of Pats and I is Gandolfo's. Yummmmmy deli sandwiches. I could eat there every day, seriously.

Mikey and I were just sitting and waiting for Pats, and Mikey was looking at all of the New York City-themed decor and posters on the walls. He stared at this one for quite some time:

He said, "Dress."

"Yep," I said, "That's her dress."

"Windy," he said.

"It sure was, huh, buddy?"

He sat for a moment, pondering the picture. Then he said, reverently, "Pincess."

"Yeah, I guess she was kind of like a princess, huh?"

So cute.


Emily Empey said...

hahahahahaha! Thats hilarious!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! How funny!:) Micah is such a cutie! I love his little voice!

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