Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Percy Jackson and Diaper Changing Anxiety

My beautiful sis, Beads, visited us for a couple of weeks this month! Ohhhhh, so much fun. She lives in N.Y. I like to say "N.Y." because it reminds me of this exchange from Sleepless in Seattle:

Jessica's Father: Jessica, this is your father. Tell us where he is, right this minute!
Jessica: N.Y.
Sam: What's that?
Jessica's Father: No way.
Sam: That's N.W.!

Sooo funny.

Anyways. We did tons of stuff while she was here, but we also had fun just hanging out. Beads is a fantastic auntie.

Dylan has to read 25 minutes per day now - yowza - and he's getting good enough at it that he's ready for chapter books. He decided he wanted to give the Percy Jackson series a shot. Beads read with him almost every night while she was here:

They've continued the tradition since she's been back in N.Y. - they read together via Skype:

Yes, that is a mohawk. Post about that soon to come.

It's so fun to see them bond. And then I get to talk to her when they're done! Double bonus!

Beads spent time doing girly things with Micah, like making jewelery out of Sadie's pop jewelery beads:

We don't call her "Beads" for nothin'. :)

She even changed a diaper for me, though she has a hard time changing diapers without hospital gloves. Here she is, making a nervous face:

She routinely holds peoples' brains and intestines in her hands, yet a little poop or pee freaks her out. That cracks me up.
And, of course, much Wii was played:

Beads has some mad Mario Bros. skillz.

Dang it, why can't she live closer? :(


Anonymous said...

I wish I could've met her this time! It sounds like you guys had fun:)

Emily Empey said...

aww how fun! I love sister time! I wish all my sisters lived near!!! I dont know how people can take sisters for granted!! :)

The Dillons said...

She is an awesome aunt. That is a really good idea to read with nieces and nephews through Skype... awesome bonding time.

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