Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No More Snaggle Tooth

Dylie finally lost his other front tooth. Here he is, in all of his snaggle-toothed glory:

And after:

I LOVE his no-front-teeth look. It's soooo cute.

He has two more bottom teeth that are really loose, but he won't let me pull them. It takes much coersion to get him to let me pull his teeth. I can tell his loose teeth on the bottom are really bothering him, because he has been absentmindedly chewing and sucking on the collar of his shirt. One time, I actually froze a damp washcloth, then let him chew and suck on it to his heart's content. Just like a teething baby. Poor kiddo. I keep telling him that I can put him out of his misery if he'll let me pull his teeth, but he won't budge.


Nat said...

Jake also freaks out when I've pulled his teeth out. Brock has been brave about it, but his second one had a root about a mile long, so it took forever to get it out. It was SO loose but just wouldn't let go of that final bit, you know? I also love the toothless look.

lexykay said...

I used to LOVE pulling my teeth out. I would sit in front of the T.V. and wiggle my teeth for hours.

Anonymous said...

Poor Dylan! I don't remember what it was like losing teeth, but I'm sure it is painful. I keep wondering when Jonas will lose his next tooth. I'm sure he'll be just as scared as Dylan.

Norlund Clan said...

Aurora has her first loose tooth and she will not let me touch it. It has been loose for a few weeks now.

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