Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tummy Time is Torture Time

None of my kids has ever liked Tummy Time. It's a scream-fest, every day. A gal I worked with when Dylan was a baby told me that Dylan wouldn't be able to say his /b/ sound later in life if I didn't give him tons of Tummy Time. I wonder if that is a bunch of crap. I'll never know.

So yeah. Tummy Time is a scream-fest, but I still make them do it, because I don't want them to have pancake heads. However, my precautions have mainly been in vain. Micah has a total pancake head. And Gage is heading in that same direction, too. Sigh.

This was when Gage was only like a month old. I had him doing tummy time, and he was screaming, of course:

And then he randomly rolled over onto his back. He was like, ah, well, that's more like it:

But then he realized that being on his back wasn't that great, either:

What he really wanted was Mommy Time. And he got it. How can you not pick up a cute little fuzzbucket like that???


Anonymous said...

UGH! I hate tummy time too! I'm so bad at giving my babies tummy time. I think I've given tummy time to Tinian about 5 times in 3 months! Bad mommy! I know. Gage is such a cutie!! He's so small!

Abbie said...

Oh, he is so sweet! Tummy time is hard. Drew has a pancake head too. He had torticolis in his neck muscles, so he was always turned to one side. Good thing he has lots of hair. :) Gage doesn't look tiny in the picks...I think he looks great!

Lyndsay said...

I never gave my kids as much timmy time as you are "supposed" to, yet they all seem to be doing okay. Shhh, don't tell my pediatrician!

Nat said...

All my kids hated tummy time until they could roll over, then they were totally cool with it. I was adamant about Jake getting tummy time, but not as much with the others. He's just so cute.

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