Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby

My kids' favorite snack - icecicles:

And when I say "my kids," I mean all of them:

You can't really see that Sadie and Titan are chomping on icicles, but they are. It's probably not sanitary to let them eat icicles that reach down from our roof, but oh well. It's better than letting them eat icicles that hang from the back bumper of my car. Believe me, they've asked. Icicles are somewhat of a new experience for me - in our house growing up, we had rain gutters, so we never had icicles. It's kind of fun to see them on our house. Sadie is especially obsessed with them. She points them out as we drive.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

my kids love icecicles, too. but they want to use them as swords. um, no. too dangerous. :)

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