Friday, February 22, 2008

Titan...Daisy...Same Diff...

My parents have a little shi-tsu named Daisy. Sadie totally calls Titan, Daisy. I always say, "Sade, his name is Titan, not Daisy." And she yells at me in her prissy two-year-old babytalk way - "No! Name-a Daisy!!!" Fine. Some fights aren't worth it.


Lynita said...

I swear girls are so sassy! Their one true defense is that they are so cute!

Nat said...

But Daisy and Titan look so much alike! :)

Jenny said...

how funny. :) sadie is such a cute girl. :)

Jenny said...

facebook is kind of like myspace. it's a networking thing that started at a college, harvard, i think. anyway, anyone can see your name, but only people you approve as "friends" can see your page or profile or pictures, or whatever. you join networks (i'm in byu, so i can see other byu people even if they're not my "friends") and can find people. it's pretty cool. lots of younger kids are on it, but our age group is finally catching on. i like seeing what everyone is up to. anyway, email me if you have any other questions. :) the website is just

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