Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Little Trick I Learned While Boating

Sadie had been talking nonstop about having a picnic one of these days. We just couldn't get any decent weather. Finally, one day, it was only kind of windy instead of tempestuously windy. So we packed our lunches and blanket and walked all the way to... our backyard. :) We had to stick close by, because Sadie's bus was going to come pick her up in, like, 45 minutes.

We realized that it was wayyyy too cold to be out there. "Mom, I really want to be outside, but I'm so cooooold," Sade said.

So I gave her a suggestion - lie down. It's always warmer when you lie down flat on the blanket. That's the trick I learned when my family would go boating. We would find some rocky shore to put our blankets, cooler, life vests, biscuit, etc. on, and a few people at a time would go out on the boat. Oftentimes, those of us on shore were wet from waterskiing or biscuiting and had a hard time getting warm in the mountain air. I learned the "lie down" trick by accident. It has served me well ever since.

So we ate the rest of our lunch lying down.

Micah was wearing Dylan's night shirt over his normal shirt (it's green). He kept calling himself a "Pincess."

Crazy kid.


Emily Empey said...

aww thats a good trick... I will remember that!! :)

Unknown said...

:) I remember doing that! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun and easy:) Picnics are hard when you have to take everything a far distance.

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