Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Hate This Part...

Well, it's official. I have poofed. I was really hoping that maybe I wouldn't poof with this pregnancy, but it was inevitable. I can't wear my wedding ring anymore:

So I pulled out my fakey wedding ring that I got for $5 at Claire's, when I was pregnant with Dylan:

(Dude, I totally lost my Claire's ring, like two minutes after I took this picture. I cannot find it!! I keep losing things and forgetting things - I swear I'm losing my marbles.)

To steal a bit from Nat's blog, she was once blogging about how some things are cute on babies and not cute at all on adults. One of them is cankles. Cute on babies:

Not cute on adults. Look at my nasty cankles, and my really poofy feet:

I have to get my flip-flops out of storage today, because I can't fit into my shoes anymore!! Wearing flip-flops in the snow. Coooool. :)


Unknown said...

this SOOOOO happens to me too.... worse with summer pregnancies though. that sucks... at least there is an end in sight ....right? And the finished product is fabulous!!!

Beej said...

Hey, I wear flip-flops in the winter all of the time and I don't have any reason to except that they are comfortable and slip-on.

You hardly have cankles at all. They are barely even swollen. You are on crack.

By the way, I think that you have gorgeous nails. They are so pretty! No matter how hard I try to take care of my nails, they always look horrible. I cannot get rid of my cuticles no matter what I do. I even cut them, but they grow back like weeds. It's unnatural.

Layton Mom said...

I can't believe that you just barely had to take off your wedding ring. My hands are the first thing to swell and I have to lose the ring within the first two months.

On an unrelated note yes, we could still use a few t-ball players. 4 or 5 I think.

Jenny said...

so sorry about the poofing. pretty rings, though. hope you can find your claire's ring. :)

anjie said...

I saw a pregnant mommy at the library today wearing flip flops. (I have had to learn to quit calling them thongs.) I totally understood. I'm at the stage that my maternity pants are still to big and none of my other pants still fit. frustrating.

Nat said...

My legs have started joining you, but only at night...for now! I was swollen the worst with Jake.

Amy said...

At least you are still pregnant. The same thing happens to me, but like two days after I deliver. Then I am all swollen and huge, emotional, tired, and in pain. Wierd huh? (Not about the emotional, tired and in pain part- but the post- swelling.) It will all be over soon! Hang in there!

Gifford Family said...

The joys of pregnancy! Gotta love it! Makes ya wanna have like 10 kids right? (I am so done with 4)

Anonymous said...

Yea cankles! just one more thing to make you want to have that baby pop out....add it to heartburn, constant peeing, hip pain, and barfing twice a day!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have poofed. But for what it is worth your poofiness is not that bad. And, the result of us looking this why is priceless. I like to think my kids (not sure of the reason) had a reason I needed to balloon out to look like I belonged in the Macy's Parade.

Lynita said...

Oh man I am sorry that you have to deal with that! I keep forgetting things left and right, like returning library books and dvd's! I hope that you enjoy the flip flops, I adore them and have just purchased a very comfy pair to get me through this summer!

Anonymous said...

I'm not real sure if I am doing this bloging thing right. So, here goes......
Today is your 31st birthday. When I sit back at ponder 31 I truly can hardly believe it. Mostly because if you are 31 that makes me old. I'm not sure I've told you enough how much I love and admire you. I'm so glad you are here in IF - I love being around you and your family. I'm realizing that "joy in your posterity" thing.
Anyway, hope you had a great birthday.
Love - Dad
ps - we'll resolve the missing check issue.

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