Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ain't No Party Like an Arin's Fourth Party... Hey... Ho...

My friend, Arin, had a barbecue on the 3rd of July. Yes, I know I am a bit behind in posting. But here's what I figure - I'm always late, but worth the wait. :) So here are some pictures from that. In this shot, Ben is feeding Nat's baby, Ivy, and this cute little girl named Sydney is just talking his ear off. Sydney is really friendly - she just comes right up to you and talks to you. I'm not sure whose kid she was, because there were a few families there that I didn't know:

A close-up of Ivy. I told Pete that she has total Emo Hair. :) She was checking Ben out while he was feeding her:

Sadie and me:

Ben, playing volleyball with all the kids. This is one of the things I love most about him - he loves kids, and kids love him. He is so great:

Ben and Dylan:

Micah, who miraculously slept through the whole party. I used to have to put socks on his hands to keep him from bludgeoning himself with his fingernails, but he has calmed down a bit in the last couple of weeks, so I haven't had to do it for awhile. He would wake up and just kind of tear at his face in anger. He is sooo intense:

Arin, the Pied Piper. She had gotten out the Otter Pops and was instantly surrounded by bazillions of kids, each demanding a different color, and asking her to open the pops for them:

Jake, Sadie, and Dylan:

Cute Nat:

Dylan and Jake. This picture makes me laugh so hard:

Ila, Arin's older daughter:


Ben, Jake, and Jaren (Arin's husband. Yes, I know - their names rhyme. I'm sure she's heard a billion jokes about it!):

Cute Troy:

This is Stacy, Arin's younger daughter. She doesn't like the feel of the grass on her feet, so she sits with her legs elevated. It's so funny:

Pete, imitating Stacy:

Jayce, Arin's son (Sorry if I've butchered their names, Arin. I'm not sure if I'm spelling them right):

Arin, thanks for inviting us. We had a blast.


Layton Mom said...

You got them all right! A for Kar. You aren't that far behind, I still haven't posted about that yet either. :)

anjie said...

Party animals! Looks like a good time.

Nat said...

Dude, Arin rocks! And you got the funniest pics of my kids!

Carrie said...

It looks like you are having a crazy, fun, busy summer. Your new family picture is adorable. You look great!

Jenny said...

looks like a lot of fun! we missed our friends' party, but i'm glad we got to spend some time w/ family.

Lynita said...

That is so funny! Ethan used to freak out about the grass too, thankfully he outgrew that one! Seriously I need some closer friends, I am craving BBQ so bad!

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