Thursday, July 10, 2008

How Well Do They Know Me?

I got the following forward a few months ago from Nitz. It's a little different - you send the form out to your friends and family and have THEM fill it out about YOU. So I filled it out for Nitz, then I sent it out to my friends and family. I only got three responses back, but I thought their answers were cute and funny, so I thought I'd post the questions from the original forward, then their responses:

Where did we meet?
Nicole: Jr. High....Claire E. Gale
Nat: Probably either the hospital or our house
Lex: I'm sure a hospital somewhere once upon a time.

Take a stab at my middle name:
Nicole: Marie
Nat: Gee, could it be...Mathia?!?!
Lex: *stab* mathia!

Do I smoke?
Nicole: um, no
Nat: Nope
Lex: i sure hope not...

Color of my eyes:
Nicole: green?
Nat: Brown
Lex: greenish brownish (Lex got this answer right, though, like, on my driver's license, I just put "green." They don't have an abbreviation for "greenish-brownish.")

Do I have any siblings?
Nicole: yes
Nat: 3 sisters
Lex: 3 hot ones!

What's one of my favorite things to do?
Nicole: dance
Nat: scrapbook
Lex: scrapbook, dance, read, relax without children

What's my favorite type of music?
Nicole: soft rock (is that safe???) [I responded to her: “SOFT ROCK?!?! Um, no, that is NOT safe!!” I am not a fan of soft rock.]
Nat: I'd say 80s stuff
Lex: fergie

Am I shy or outgoing?
Nicole: outgoing
Nat: outgoing
Lex: very outgoing

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?
Nicole: you follow the rules...but if you didn't agree with one, you wouldn't be afraid to speak your mind about it
Nat: follow the rules
Lex: i think you've had a few rebelious moments, but more rules kinda girl

Any special talents?
Nicole: Lots....very artistic, ballerina, humor (that's a talent right?) you can make people laugh is what i'm trying to say
Nat: drawing/painting, dancing, scrapbooking
Lex: skiing, scrapbook, card making, being a mom, writing, you have an insane vocabulary

How many children do I have:
Nicole: 2 (and a half) [At the time my friends filled this out, that was true.]
Nat: 2 3/4! :)
Lex: two and a half. well it's more like 2 and 3/4

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?
Nicole: your husband! (you wouldn't want to be on an island with just me....)
Nat: sunglasses? no clue!
Lex: this question is retarded. if you knew you were going to be stranded you would obviously bring food, sunblock, water, ect. but no one really plans on being stranded. that's the whole point of being stranded, you have to get by with what you have. but.... if by some retarded mysterious way you KNEW you'd be stranded, you'd probably have a camera. and when we got back you'd make the cutest scrapbook pages about it.


anjie said...

Come on. Everyone likes soft rock. Ha ha
That was fun to read.

Anonymous said...

I loved Lex's respose to the stranded Island question. I would probably forget to pack the camera. but really I would not choose to be alone on an island, I would want to take an entrouge with me and party like it was 1999.
Oh and I also cannot stand soft rock.

Jenny said...

fun. and i love your new family picture!

Nat said...

Dude, Lex is so stinking funny!

Nicole said...

Ha ha...I forgot about this. And my silly answers. I love your family picture, you look so great. And seeing Micah makes me want another baby!

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