Saturday, October 10, 2009


From which book is the title to this post? The person/people who guess right get a mental high-five from me. Which is the best gift of all.

Now that Micah is walking, we have had to toddler-proof the house. When Sadie was a toddler, she never got into anything. It was so weird. And wonderful. Micah is taking after his brother, however. I can't wait until he starts climbing. :) When Dylan learned to climb, I literally had to take him down off our kitchen table 50 times per day. I counted once. That number is no estimate, my friends.

So here are our efforts at preventing extra toddler messes...

The garbage can is usually put up high:

Isn't it pretty and clean? Jenny inspired me to clean it. But I didn't do it in a skirt, like her. She is the modern-day Donna Reed!! :) I really need to dress more girly...

Our CD ROMs have been moved from down here...

To up on the second shelf here:

Someone left the toilet lid open yesterday. I went to pee, not looking in the toilet before I sat down. When I stood up, I saw that I had peed on one of the kids' toys that Micah had chucked into the toilet. I had to use our kitchen tongs to fish it out. It was soooooooooo gross. So now we have to be especially careful to leave the lid down:

Luckily, Micah hasn't realized that he can easily open the lid by lifting it. You can see from this picture that we need to take measures to toddler-proof the toilet paper dispenser, as well.

If the kids want to play with something without Micah stealing it, they have learned to keep their bedroom door closed:

Micah can't open doors yet. It's really hard for Dylan and Sadie to close their bedroom door - they both really freak out if they're in there with the door closed, for some reason. But they have decided that a closed door is a price worth paying to keep The Screaming Banshee from grabbing their My Little Ponies or Lego Castles.

We have to make a little barrier in front of the buttons on our cable box, stereo box, and DVD player:

Like I said, Micah hasn't figured out how to climb yet, so this barrier works, for now.

Next I need to post all the crap we have to do to Xena-proof our house. Seriously. A cat should not be this much work...


Anonymous said...

LOL!! That's so funny! I love where you put the trash can. I can't wait for the post where the trash can gets knocked down the stairs!:) We didn't have to toddler proof for Jonas, but Brynnan was another story!

Mindy H. said...

I know the quote from Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter 4-7, but it might also be from an actual, you know, grown-up person type of literature...but since I don't read a lot of grown-up type literature, I wouldn't know. :)

It is amazing what little people can get into in a short amount of time. I have to niece-proof my place before my brother brings his girls to visit...and I still spend about an hour afterwords shifting through the wreckage. I feel your pain!

Jenny said...

your house is so clean! how do you do it?

and is that one of your wedding photos by the door? i've never seen them.

Patty said...

Book 5. High 5.

Nat said...

Dude, Ivy has started climbing onto the table. Grrr.

Carrie said...

Andy has just hit crawling and isn't to adventursome yet. Can't wait for the full on childproofing stage. We do have to close the bathroom doors already. He always goes for the bathroom garbage. Probably the most disgusting thing in the whole house

Emily Empey said...

haha i am laughing so hard! SO TRUE! Except Mary is a climber! The other day she was trying to get on the couch and she couldn't quite get up there- so she took the pillow off the couch put it on the ground and stood on it toget her self up! WHER DID SHE THINK THAT UP! Its crazy what toddlers come up with!

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