Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Micah still has a developmental therapist and an occupational therapist. Don't ask me the difference between them - I can't really tell. But I figure the more interaction he has, the better, right? Both ladies are really sweet and have helped Micah come so far. He is walking now, which is wonderful, but he's still not talking much at all. Sometimes he says "wow" and "yeah," but he doesn't say "mommy" or "daddy," which concerns the therapists. Also of concern is that he won't hold his own sippy cup still. So they're working hard with him.
Micah seems to have an issue with certain textures of things, so his OT brought some sticky, squishy things to try to get him used to different textures. She has this crazy thing that fits over his head:

He used to be scared of it, but now he loves it and thinks it's so funny. Which it is.
One day, he was working on a shape sorter thing, and he was concentrating so hard. I noticed that when he's really concentrating on something, he sticks his tongue out:

Dylan does that, too. So cute.
The therapists give us "homework" to do, which I think also helps in Micah's progress. For instance, we need to constantly have him practice pouring water out of a cup while he's in the tub. That will help him realize that he needs to tilt his sippy cup when he drinks out of it, hopefully. The DT also has us try to use some sign language with Micah, things like "more" and "thank you," to get him communicating a little bit better. So we're working on it. They say that, if he turns two and still isn't talking very much, we'll put him into speech therapy, too. We're the therapy family. :)


Anonymous said...

We're a therapy family too! Jonas takes speech, physical and occupational. It's been really good for him too. I'm glad Micah is doing so well!! Cute pictures:)

Gifford Family said...

Does he have SPD? It sounds so much like it....

Emily Empey said...

He is making progress though kar!!! Go Micah!!!

Jenny said...

Jonah was a really late talker. He was 2 1/2 before he started to talk. We were just about to test his hearing and move on from there. He didn't ever catch onto the signing thing, but Maxwell did. Have you tried the signing time videos? They are awesome! I know that our library has them.
Here's the website:

Darling Details said...

I was a Developmental Therapist! I miss those ladies. I miss that job. It was a dream job (most of the time) Who is your DS? oh and the DS is looking at development overall and the OT is looking at his motor delays. they overlap alot. who is your coordinator/social worker? It sounds like they are really on the ball with him. woohoo!

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