Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chukars Game

Our local baseball team is the Idaho Falls Chukars. My dad got some season tickets, so he and Mom take different people to games once a week. Ben and I and our kids went with them a couple of weeks ago. Mom and Micah:


Ben, Dad, and Dylan:

Me and Sadie:

We got ice cream that comes in little plastic baseball caps - I know this is Spencer's little tradition, so here's to you, Spence:


Chad said...

Serious? The Chukas? What a boring name! I looked online for what it means and all I found was a Talmudic reference.

Chad said...

Oh, I spelled it wrong. Sorry. It's some kind of bird. Still, it's a painful name. And they are described as "chunky." Hmm, maybe that is fitting for a ball team.

Nat said...

Good ol' Chukars. I remember going to a game of theirs once on a date, and my date took stats the whole time. Then during one of the innings I went to the bathroom, and I think he thought I was going to ditch the date. I did hide in the bathroom for as long as I could, though....Good times.

Lynita said...

I am with Chad, what a name, it sounds horrible! But it's all about the memories in the end. I love the ice cream in the baseball caps, sounds good right now... mmmmmmmmmmm ice creaaaaaam.

Anonymous said...

Haha. My Aunt threw the opening pitch in Thurs. Game.

Beej said...

On behalf of Spence. Thanks!

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