Saturday, August 23, 2008

Troy's Birthday

Troy's birthday was actually before Jake's, but on his birthday, my camera's battery died, rendering me picture-less. So I stole the following pictures from Nat's blog. Troy turned two at the beginning of this month. He is such a crack-up. I love this kid. He is really friendly and really brave. Nothing scares him. And he looks like a carbon copy of Nat. I have to scan some pictures later on today, so while I'm in scanning mode, I may scan a picture of Nat at age two, and you'll see that they're, like, toddler twins. So here is the birthday boy:

And here are me, Sadie, and Dylan, chatting with Lex, my youngest sister, who seriously always looks like a model:

I, continuing with the whole "I'm lame" theme, had totally forgotten about Troy's party. We had just gotten back from a weekend in Yellowstone, and it had completely disappeared from my mind. Nat calls about half an hour into the party, going, "Um, are you guys coming...?" "Holy crap! We're leaving right now!" I yelled. I'm so forgetful these days. Having children renders one forgetful and shedding. I am the shed-meister lately. It's exacerbating the whole "mommy hair" terror in Sadie. But I'll save that for a later post. And the Yellowstone trip. I promise I'm getting caught up.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Dude, it's all good about coming late. I had thought about calling you earlier in the day, but I knew you were getting back from your trip, etc. And yes, Lexi could be a "part-time model" (that's a Flight of the Conchords song, by the way).

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