Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mommy Hair, Part 2

Well, the whole "Mommy Hair" thing is still a large part of our lexicon in my house. Sadie is scared of my hairs. She isn't scared of hers. And I never see Dylan's hairs or Ben's hairs around. But something about the thick, long, dark brown strands of hair sends her into hysterics.

The situation is getting more and more dire, because I'm shedding more than ever. I think it might be a post-pardem thing. Even though Micah is 3 months old today. Or maybe it's a thyroid thing. I've had thyroid disease for the past few years - shedding like crazy is one sign your thyroid is off. I really should get my blood tested soon.

When I shower and wash my hair, I end up getting tons of strands caught in my fingers, which bugs me, so I kind of rub all the hairs into one clump and stick them on the shower wall. I know it's gross. I have to do the clump-and-stick maneuver several times in the course of one shower, but I do remember to get a kleenex and wipe them all up and throw them in the garbage when I'm done showering. Well, one day I forgot to remove the offending hairs. I was at work, and Ben was bathing the kids, and he saw the clumps of hair on the shower wall, so just for kicks, and because he is a merciless teaser, he threw a clump into the tub, shouting, "Ahhhh! A mommy hair! A mommy hair!!" And Sadie, apparently, started screaming bloody murder and crying hysterically. Sigh. Good ole' Ben.

A recent development in the Mommy Hair Saga is that it has become the ultimate insult:

Dylan: Sadie, you are a Mommy Hair!!

Sadie: No I not. YOU a Mommy Hair!!

It's nice that my children find my hair so very disgusting.


Amy said...

You make me laugh. I am a clump and stick girl too. And for me the massive shedding post partum didn't start until about three months anyway. Good luck with all your scary mommy hairs!

Lynita said...

Can I just say, that I am laughing so hard that tears came to my eyes! I love Ben, he and Ryan are so much alike. The hair thing is awesome, I am going to remember that forever, or at least for a few minutes.(Note: I am pregnant and I have no memory!) Ryan got Ethan good yesterday and he screamed like a girl, love it! Hey if you don't give your own kids a complex, someone else will! So you may as well have a little fun along the way! HEE HEE!

Nat said...

Dude, I'm STILL shedding like a beastmaster. I always do for, like, 6 months. I wonder if she would freak out about my hair, since it's a lighter color. I seriously have a handful every morning.

Anonymous said...

I too shed and I also leave the strands on the shower wall. (Better there than the drain). I once plugged the shower drain and started a slow leak on the garage celing, Not cool. Sometimes I leave Shawn criptic messages with my hair. LoL.

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