Thursday, September 11, 2008

Have a Nice Trip! See ya next Fall!!

Speaking of treadmills, yesterday, before the jog where my hip cramped up, I was setting the speed I wanted to go, and it occurred to me that I really needed to turn on the air-conditioner. I get sooo hot when I run, and it blows right on where I jog. So I go to step off the treadmill, and my ankle gives out on me, and BAM!! I fell on the floor, hard. It happened so fast! I have never fallen that fast before. Usually there's a lot of stumbling about before the fall. This was like a millisecond-long fall. Dylan was playing computer games, and he heard the thump and turned around.

He's like, "What happened?"

Lying on the floor, I mumbled, "Fell down."

Dylan, incredulous: "You fell down??"

Me, not moving, still mumbling: "Yes."

Dylan, pausing, then: "Well, why awn't you getting up??"

Me: "Just waiting for it to stop hurting..."

My hands hurt so bad from trying to catch myself, and I got rug rash all up my leg. I hardly ever truly fall down anymore - I forgot how much it hurts. My kids are always falling, and I don't really even blink when it happens. I just say, "Are you okay?" in a very unconcerned voice, hardly looking over at them. I need to remember how much it hurts to fall, and I need to hug 'em and say, "Dang, that sucks. I know how you feel." Because I could have used a hug and a kiss on my knee and hands. Kisses on owies always feel better. Seriously. When my kids step on my toes, I make them kiss my toes, and it really does make them feel better. :)


Lynita said...

Okay just as I clicked on your comment button when Kaitlyn biffed it! So funny! I think you definately have to be careful around the dreadmill, my friend had the worst rug-burn ever from falling off of a treadmill. By the way I make my kids kiss my toes too, at least they understand that you need to make it better even if it was an accident!

anjie said...

So sorry! We were at my mom's last year and her knee gave out while going down the stairs and BOOM! My kids were sitting right there and saw her fall. I came running (She just had knee surgery). It scared us. She broke her tailbone.
We adults have farther to fall then the little ones.

lish said...

I recently got a reminder of how much it hurts to fall. I fell down my stairs and hurt my ankle, and then I passed out from the pain - yep, I passed out. Guess I stood up too fast.

Hope you'll be okay to run your 5K!

Nat said...

Dude, that's like my knee on my birthday. Just totally gave out randomly. That sucks!

Carrie said...

At least your kids didn't start laughing. I do that all too often when my kids fall. I love the way you document the details. You are such a great writer.

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