Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mommy Hair, Part 3

Well, the saga continues. I think Sadie's obsession with my shed hairs has become a full-blown phobia. Seriously. She won't walk into the bathroom to go potty unless I check for stray hairs on the bathroom floor. Same goes for getting into the bathtub at night. If she sees an errant hair while she's in the tub, she stands up and screams bloody murder. Sigh. Such a silly phobia. Like the hairs could do anything to her. Like they have a mind of their own, or something.

Speaking of silly phobias, I was reading in People Magazine the other day, and they had a really funny article about interesting phobias. One lady has bananaphobia. You guessed it - fear of bananas!! She said it stemmed from her experience as a kid in elementary school. She described the disgusting smell at lunch when kids would pull their bruised bananas out of their lunch bags and eat them, and the phobia grew from there. She can't touch them or get near them. A dude has siderodromophobia. I won't make you guess that one - fear of railroads and train travel. His phobia stemmed from an unlikely source - he and a friend, as kids, were playing by the railroad tracks with a BB gun. The gun went off, the BB hit a railroad tie, ricocheted off the tie, and hit this guy in the face. And so his phobia began. You would think he would be scared of, I don't know... BB guns??? But no. Railroads. Here's another one that a lady has - gephyrophobia - fear of crossing bridges. A little girl had a phobia (they didn't have a term for it) of mascots, costumes, and even painted faces. She told the magazine that she was scared the costumed people would "torture her." Hmmm. I guess I have a little twinge of fear whenever I see clowns, now, thanks to Stephen King's It. But mascots? Painted faces? No.

Here are some phobias of famous people (the magazine didn't mention what made these people scared of the following things):

Aretha Franklin - flying
Matthew McConaughey - revolving doors
Madonna - thunder
Billy Bob Thornton - antiques
Christina Ricci - houseplants

Crazy, huh? I can see the fear behind each of these, actually. Flying is a little intimidating - let's face it. Revolving doors are a little scary, too. I'm always worried I'll go too slow or too fast and get my feet pinched, or something. Thunder? That scares some people. I just think it's cool. I can see fear of antiques, just based on their smell. Have you ever been inside an antique shop? Pew. And houseplants - I guess little spiders could be lurking in there, or something...

I wonder if there is a name for the fear of shed hair... Just looked it up: trichopathophobia. That's what Sadie has. For sure.


Nat said...

I wonder why she doesn't freak out about all shed hair, though... maybe just because yours is long and daark? Hmm.

Norlund Clan said...

That is just too funny. It is not really a fear more like OCD, but I can not sleep if the sheet is wrinkly. I have to make sure it is completely smooth and I can feel the wrinkles in my sleep, they seriously wake me up at night. My parents live in Pennsylvania.

Megann said...

At least it's hair and not the wind. Yah, I was afraid of the wind from like 3-7 years of age.

That probably isn't comforting. Sadie having a phobia for the next 4 years! I hope she grows out of it soon.

Carrie said...

I am sure that this is a lot funnier looking in than it is to deal with every day. On the bright side, it must help motivate you to keep your bathrooms clean?!

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